Dynamic URL Path Based on MetaData

I having an issue with something that should be simple, but I can’t find any documentation on it.

I have an Email Reader which is pulling out an attached file and posting the file to a new directory. I would like the directory to be dynamic based on the subject line of the email. For example:

Subject: client

Post the file to: abc.com/client/incoming/#

I am saving the Subject as metadata and also writing it to a text file. Is there an easy way to either reference the metadata in the URL string or create a parameter from the metadata so it can be used in the URL?


Hi Laura,

This is easily possible using partitioned writing.


File URL: ${DATAOUT_DIR}/#/email.txt
Create directories: true
Partition key: subject (The name of your metadata field)
Partition file tag: Key file tag

I hope this helps.