Designer via CLI

Hi all,

I am configuring a developer environment and one of the requirements from our data team is to be able to locally run the CloverDX Designer via the command line whilst they develop ETL operations. (i.e., Not use the Designer GUI to execute the operations, though Designer will be installed in the environment). As this is environment is focused on standalone environments, there is no CloverDX Server that is accessible until later pre-prod environments, which engineers will not have direct access to.

  • Is it possible to run the Designer from the cli?
  • Are there any licensing constraints?
  • If possible, does this require some supporting logic with the Designer SDK to enable?

I have seen a few posts floating around the internet that this is possible, however, nothing is concrete. I haven’t seen anything in the official documentation to support these claims, either.

Thank you in advanced.

Hi Sharsant,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to run CloverDX Designer via the command line in a way that would allow for executing graphs and jobflows. For this functionality, you would need to use CloverDX Server, which contains a REST API that supports headless job executions. Specifically, the REST API includes a POST operation in the /executions section.

Since you mentioned a developer environment, I should also note that we offer non-production CloverDX Server licenses for similar scenarios.

Best regards,
