Denormalizer example

Hi all,
I am looking for a simple Denormalizer example using CTL. Please don’t point me to the Users guide or Wiki. I have already been to both places. What I am trying to do is fairly simple but I keep getting:

Message: Denormalization failed! caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0


Hi pro7,

It looks like bug in Clover, but you didn’t provide me enough information to advise you. Please send me:

* version of clover
* your graph (possibly simplified, privacy detail removed, …)
* sample of data

Then I can reproduce and solve your problem.

We are running 3.0. Probably not a bug. Most likely my misunderstanding. A simple example below.

Restaurant Rated
Name Category Score

Daniel Cost A
Daniel Service B
Daniel Food A+

Blue Hill Cost B-
Blue Hill Service A
Blue Hill Food B
Blue Hill Parking C

Antonio’s Cost A
Antonio’s Service B
Antonio’s Food A-

Now let’s say we are looking for a result like :

Daniel | A | B | A+

Blue Hill | B- | A | B | C

Antonio’s | A | B | A-

Is Normalizer a correct choice for this type of transformation?

If I understand correctly, we need to implement, at a minimum, a count() function, and a transform() function. What might they look like for the above example?

Thank You


Sorry…I meant to say “Is Denormalizer a correct choice for this type of transformation?”

Hi pro7,

yes, denormalizer is good component for this. See attached sample I created.

It produces:

INFO  [TRASH0_0] - +-------+------------+-------+----------+-------+----------+
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - |Record |name        |Cost   |Service   |Food   |Parking   |
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - +-------+------------+-------+----------+-------+----------+
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - |# 1    |Antonio's   |A      |B         |A-     |          |
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - |# 2    |Blue Hill   |B-     |A         |B      |C         |
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - |# 3    |Daniel      |A      |B         |A+     |          |
INFO  [TRASH0_0] - +-------+------------+-------+----------+-------+----------+

Thank you. I’ll study in detail but I’m wondering if the sample is using some feature not supported in my release (3.0)?

I say this because when I open the graph I see errors.

Unable to resolve input metadata ‘in’
Unable to resolve input metadata ‘out’

The sample has a Metadata named Result, and another named to_normalize_txt. I can change $in to $to_normalize_txt but I still get an error on the line
of code in transform:

$out.0.* = res.*;

I tried a number of things here but can’t get rid of the error. Anyway, thanks again, this might be enough to get me going in the right direction.


For 3.0 you need to change CTL2 transformation to:


Result res;

function integer append() {
	//set name = $0.Name;
	if ($0.Type=="Cost") {
		res.Cost = $0.Rate;
	} else if ($0.Type=="Service") {
		res.Service = $0.Rate;
	} else if ($0.Type=="Food") {
		res.Food = $0.Rate;
	} else if ($0.Type=="Parking") {
		res.Parking = $0.Rate;
	} else {
		raiseError("Unknown type '"+$0.Type+"'");
	return OK;

function integer transform() {
	//send prepared record to output
	$0.* = res.*;
  	return OK;

function void clean() { = "";
	res.Cost = "";
	res.Service = "";
	res.Food = "";
	res.Parking = "";