Debug mode

I am a newbie in Clover.
Is it possible to execute a clover graph in debug mode ?


you can turn on debug mode on connectors (i.e. edges) in the graph. When a connector is in the debug mode, it stores all the data flowing through it so that you can view the data later.

To turn on debug mode on a connector you must specify the debugMode=“true” attribute for the connector. In the GUI you can right click on a connector and enable the debug mode from a context menu. Right click on the connector and select “View data” to see the data that passed through it.


Ok thanks.

And is it possible to execute a graph step by step with breakpoints (like in java code) ?


no it is not possible to natively debug a graph like a java program in Clover.GUI, i.e. with breakpoints. However as a running Clover graph is just Java code, you can run it from Eclipse and use the source of Clover engine to place normal Java breakpoints.


Ok thanks a lot.
