DBExecute graphs not working with JNDI connections

I am using CloverETL Server

When I link a DBExecute graph to a JNDI pool connection resource, the sql query doesn’t get executed, and it just times out. If I switch to regular postgresql driver connections, the same sql works just fine.

Looks like DBInputTable works just fine (with the same JNDI resource). Is there a reason why DBExecute graphs won’t work with it?

Hi Ramiro,

Is this the same issue as troubleshooting a postgresql JNDI connection, or is there another context in this case?

Hi Jan,

Same issue. The reason I posted there first was because I though my JNDI setup was wrong.

Later I realize the problem was the combination of a DBExecute graph and a JNDI connection that didn’t work (all other graphs that involve db connections seem to be ok). So I was thinking I may have a better chance to find the answer in a forum different that the Clover Server. That’s why I ended up duplicating the question here.

Sorry about the confusion! I’ll continue the conversation in the other forum. Looks like there are some responses there now. Thanks.