Custom Partition class for partition node


While using a external partition class to partition node, i am getting this error.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can’t create object of type PARTITION with reason: PARTITION:PARTITION0:Can’t find specified partition function class: PARTITION0

I have created seperate jar file for this partition class and added to build path in eclipse. But still it is throwing this exception.

Saravanan A

Hi, are you running graph from command line or from GUI? You only need to have your class in classpath.


I found the problem. Problem is in clover.etl source code.

In, instead of creating partition function class using XML_PARTITIONCLASS_ATTRIBUTE it is creating using XML_ID_ATTRIBUTE in fromXML method.

if (xattribs.exists(XML_PARTITIONCLASS_ATTRIBUTE)) {//load class with partition function
try {
//TODO move creating function to init method
partitionFce = (PartitionFunction)Class.forName(xattribs.getString(XML_ID_ATTRIBUTE)).newInstance();

Saravanan A

Thanks for report, bug will be fixed.