Creating exe file

Dear sir,

I did a application by using CloverETL for the extracting data from source files & loading into the database.

How can we add this application into my java project.
I mean…
How can we get the java code for this project.
Can we create .exe file for this entire application to run in any client system.

Hello sir,
can give solution for my problem.
How can i convert my application into a java code.

Hello Sankardunga,
you can’t create an exe file for graph execution, but you can easily create a batch, that executes the graph. For more information see topic How To install and Create executable Graph in linux?? .

I tried like this, it is working.

But i want include this application into my java project to run on the client system directly.
can we include this into my project, is it possible???
if possible, how can we do it?

Is there any other way to do it.

thanks for you.

I’m not sure if I understand you properly, but you can run the graph from the java code. For creating and running graphs from java code see Tips for Integrating CloverETL to Third Party Applications.

Thank you so much.
I will try in this way.
