It is any way to show in the ‘Console’ only the running Components?
Example: now:
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT24 RUNNING
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 84793 95471 14292 21299
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT13 FINISHED_OK
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 8735 1618 0 0
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT4 FINISHED_OK
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 8735 1618 0 0
But for me, its enough to see the ‘RUNNING’ components:
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT24 RUNNING
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 84793 95471 14292 21299
Reason: usually my graphs component count is around 300-400+ (may its not a rarity i guess).
And its not easy to overview in graphics part what is running, and also not easy to see in the Console.
Example: I break to 3 phase the graph. 1st Phase use 200 component, 2nd Phase use 100 component, 3rd Phase use 100 component. But 1st Phase is running long, and i like to find, may some lonely single DBInputTable still ‘RUNNING’, event all other 199 component is ‘FINISHED_OK’. Now not fully evident to find out (or just i don’t know how to find it…)
If all 200 component is running, its doesn’t matter exactly who running, but the last 3-10 running component is can be interesting.
Note: Now i copy/past to notepad++ the log, to check thru what is running.
Note: i know, set areas to different Phases may help to see less ‘running/finished’ line in ‘Console’, but i not plan to break Graph to many phases, as exactly Phases is the problem is some point of view…
Many Thanks! Andrase,