Console - See only running components?


It is any way to show in the ‘Console’ only the running Components?

Example: now:
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT24 RUNNING
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 84793 95471 14292 21299
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT13 FINISHED_OK
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 8735 1618 0 0
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT4 FINISHED_OK
18:36:27,691 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 8735 1618 0 0

But for me, its enough to see the ‘RUNNING’ components:
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] FastSort FAST_SORT24 RUNNING
18:36:27,690 INFO [WatchDog_2] %cpu:0 In:0 84793 95471 14292 21299

Reason: usually my graphs component count is around 300-400+ (may its not a rarity i guess).
And its not easy to overview in graphics part what is running, and also not easy to see in the Console.
Example: I break to 3 phase the graph. 1st Phase use 200 component, 2nd Phase use 100 component, 3rd Phase use 100 component. But 1st Phase is running long, and i like to find, may some lonely single DBInputTable still ‘RUNNING’, event all other 199 component is ‘FINISHED_OK’. Now not fully evident to find out (or just i don’t know how to find it…)
If all 200 component is running, its doesn’t matter exactly who running, but the last 3-10 running component is can be interesting.

Note: Now i copy/past to notepad++ the log, to check thru what is running.
Note: i know, set areas to different Phases may help to see less ‘running/finished’ line in ‘Console’, but i not plan to break Graph to many phases, as exactly Phases is the problem is some point of view…

Many Thanks! Andrase,

Hi Andreas,

As of today we don’t have any option to filter only running Components in the Console. I will discuss with our developers the possibility of implementing such a feature in future releases.

Many thanks!
Once its come, It’s can be save some runtime/debugging time for me (and may others also).
* Example: actually i have one undocumented mass data structure, where i do ‘data cleanup’ with Clover graph, and i run it during data structure reverse engineering ‘trial-and-error’ approx 1000+ time, and still far from the end.
Regards: Andrase,