Just noticed the strange behavior.
A job flow (A) calls another job flow (B), and sends the result through an email with attachment (in A). The procedure is repeated for multiple inputs (tar.gz files).
(B) runs a script to decompress a tar.gz file using 7-zip and then process.
In (A), if EmailSender is in the same phase as calling job flow (B), calling flow (B) for the next round is aborted automatically while sending email. If they are in the different phases, there is no problem.
The email attachment is some result information from previous round, not directly related with the tar.gz being decompressed for the next round.
The downside to send email in different phase as calling job flow (B) is, the emails are sent in batches with long delay (could be hours – each tar.gz file takes quite a while to process and there could be a lot of such files).
The related error logs is attached.
The CloverETL server is 4.3.0 (Tomcat).
Any clue what causes the conflict?