Configuring relative path in SCP


We are trying to create a graph for copying files from clover server (Windows) to a remote Linux server. We tried using are using SystemExecute with pscp (PuTTY). We were able to copy files using hard coded file path, but we wanted to use relative path, something like “${DATA_OUT}/test/test.txt”. Can somebody help us with this configuration please.

Command : echo y | pscp -pw ${password} ${filePath} ${userName}@${destinationPath}


Hi Sree,

If your Server is Corporate or higher, I would recommend to use … files.html which supports SFTP. Then paths of source/destination can be feeded from input record.

In case of SystemExecute, ${NAME} expressions are normally substituted. You can check their actual value using similar code within “System command” property:

echo ${DATAOUT_DIR}/test.txt

To see result, just please connect output port using edge with metadata containing single string field.

I hope this helps.