I am trying to achieve the below in reformat:
I have an array/list name pkey which gets the value from Parameter.
string pkey = split(getParamValue(“t_key”),‘;’);
From the above code say t_key contains {Name;Grade} then pkey will contain [Name,Grade].
Now I need to loop for each input record and perform some operation only if the input metadata does not contain pkey value:
Code is something like this -
for(integer i = 0; i < length($in.0); i++) {
if(getFieldLabel($in.0,i) != “Name”) {
But instead of having the “Name” hard-coded I need to compare the pkey values directly as it can contain more than one value dynamically.
So if I use the below code:
for(integer i = 0; i < length($in.0); i++) {
if(getFieldLabel($in.0,i) != pkey) {
I get error as “Incompatible types ‘string’ and ‘string’ for binary operator.”
Any ways how I can rectify this code?