com/IBM/XML/DOM2Writer error while gettting seesion token

I try to use, which is the web service to connect with integrator server.
But while:

Session session = cloverws.getCloverWS_port.login(“xxx”,“xxx”, null).

It throw exception, kind of “com/IBM/XML/DOM2Writer message nonClassDefError”, After google it, I think there is a jar missing.

My question is that, which jar file is missing caused my current error. After I ref the jar in my IDE, I can get the seesion token with login methond.

Thank you, if any one can help me.

Dear Fox.Ni,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, “” is extension to CloverETL created by IBM and therefore advice on this is out of our expertise. I encourage you to contact IBM support.

Thank you for understanding.