Clover takes forever checking conf


one quite annoying “feature” of CloverGui is that it keeps cheking configuration whenever you do something : when you open a graph, when you save you changes, at graph initialization, on each component initialization…

This is really often, and it can waste a lot of time. This time is lost mainly when checking for DB connectivity. In my case, it will always result in a WARN : unable to set FetchDirection & FetchSize for DB connection.

But this test can take a lot of time, especially on a slow connection (VPN). Even worst, it will check the exact same connection several time (each time it is used in a component) !

So… it there a way to turn off this feature in CloverGUI ?


Hello Franck!

Yes, we have already noted this problem with long database connection validation. In the next gui release 1.7 it will be possible to turn off this feature, maybe some other customization will be available.

Thanks for the report of your issue. Martin