Clover Server Placeholders


Does anyone have any reference to a list of the placeholders within the Clover Server. Ex. Placeholder ${port.totalRows} etc.?

Nobody has any reference to any of these? Any Clover ETL admins on here have any input?

Hi Impulse

Unfortunately, there isn’t a list of Server parameters in the documentation. So I compiled one for you, please see attachment. The placeholders starting with ${EVENT…} return values only when the job is started by Schedule or by Jobflow component (e.g. ExecuteGraph). Also, you can create your own Server properties which can be read by CTL code, for more information about this, please see our documentation.

However I don’t understand what you mean by the ${port.totalRows} placeholder. Is it just an example? If you describe what you want to achieve, maybe I could assist you better.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for your reply. The information will certainly help. The example i gave was pulled from the populated graph failure email that clover provides. I am trying to build a more purposeful failure email and am trying to find all the placeholders that can possibly be used.

For example these placeholders:
runId ${}
Sandbox: ${sandbox.code}
Graph: ${run.jobFile}

Result: ${run.status}
Started: ${run.startTime}
Finished: ${run.stopTime}

Error node: $!{run.errNode}
Error message: $!{run.errMessage}
Error exception: $!{run.errException}
Log file: $!{run.logLocation}


I’m sorry, I misunderstood what exactly you meant. The placeholders I sent you are intended to be used from within a graph in CTL2 code. However, there is not a complete list of all available Server placeholders anywhere, so I created an improvement proposal and I believe this matter will be resolved as soon as possible.

Best regards

Fantastic. Thank you for the assistance.