I’ve just finished installing Clover Server. I’ve configured the application to use a MySQL instance, and included the JDBC driver to ensure that the tables are created. However, I am still receiving problems at startup and I’m not sure where to go to get the resolution.
All errors report this line before their stack trace –
I dropped the schema and recreated it using the following statement –
I then restarted the application server and can see the database being created, but it then errors out again with the same exception. I went into the WEB-INF\dbpatches folder and opened 0017b_quartz.sql, but the only thing in the file is
I just realized that I wasn’t in the MySQL folder. The script in there does have content. I copy and pasted it into the query editor for MySQL, but there is a complaint with the syntax for the table creation. It doesn’t seem to like the TYPE=InnoDB setting. For example –
the last line is causing the error. If I remove the TYPE=InnoDB from each of the create statements and run the query, then I can see the tables created and values being inserted. I made the same changes to the sql script inside the WEB-INF\MySQLDialect, restarted the server, and that appeared to resolve the issue. I can’t recall what I chose for a TYPE when I installed the DB – perhaps that is the issue?
what version of MySQL do you have?
It may be caused by TYPE keyword.
It seems that MySQL doesn’t recognize “TYPE” keyword in new versions. It should be replaced by ENGINE keyword.
We will modify it in the upcoming maintenance release, and as a hotfix, I attach modified 0017_quartz.sql
Please overwrite the original SQL file it the war file … [war]/WEB-INF/dbpatches/MySQLDialect/0017_quartz.sql
Then restart the server above empty database.