Is there anyway to keep the clover graph always running or run it as a service?
I want to use it to check a JMS queue and I would like it to keep polling it until something writes to it. Once it has I want to it do something and then write back and then wait until something else writes to it.
I can get this to work nicely but cant get it to stay checking it or polling it. Do i have to recall the graph every few mins or is there a way to loop this or poll on this?
currently, there is no such way… It is theoretically small problem and we plan to implement (actually working on it) continuos run.
The run of graph is driven by readers - or more precisely as long as readers don’t send EOF (all of them) the graph continues to run.
In case of JMS reader, it is a small change - currently, it processes all messages in queue or specified number of messages or waits up to specified amount of time to process data.
So, you can either set the “timeout” parameter of it to something high and when the graph stops, just immediately re-execute it or modify the component such a way that it just keeps running till you shut the graph down (can be done through JMX cleanly or just brute-force ctrl+c).