Hi Agata,
I gave it a try after importing the graph and the associated java code into my project. I used a dummy file just to see if it would flow through. Looks like it’s angry over the @ associated to to the “@Overide” lines.
Likely this is something glaringly obvious to a developer, unfortunately I’m not a developer.
But your understanding of the issue is exactly right, so I believe if I can get past this I should be fine.
below is the output from the run. I hope this helps.
INFO [main] - *** CloverETL framework/transformation graph runner ver 2.5, (c) 2002-06 D.Pavlis, released under GNU Lesser General Public License ***
INFO [main] - Running with framework version: 2.5 build#devel compiled March 3 2009
INFO [main] - Running on 2 CPU(s), OS Windows XP, architecture x86, Java version 1.5.0_15, max available memory for JVM 65088 KB
INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.bulkloader loaded.
id - org.jetel.bulkloader
version - 2.5.6
provider-name -
component { type = ORACLE_DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.OracleDataReader; }
component { type = ORACLE_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.OracleDataWriter; }
component { type = MYSQL_DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.MysqlDataReader; }
component { type = DB2_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.DB2DataWriter; }
component { type = INFORMIX_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.InformixDataWriter; }
component { type = MS_SQL_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.MsSqlDataWriter; }
component { type = MYSQL_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.MysqlDataWriter; }
component { type = POSTGRESQL_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.PostgreSqlDataWriter; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.component loaded.
id - org.jetel.component
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
component { type = DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.DataReader; }
component { type = DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.DataWriter; }
component { type = DELIMITED_DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.DelimitedDataReader; }
component { type = DELIMITED_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.DelimitedDataWriter; }
component { type = SIMPLE_COPY; className = org.jetel.component.SimpleCopy; }
component { type = CONCATENATE; className = org.jetel.component.Concatenate; }
component { type = SIMPLE_GATHER; className = org.jetel.component.SimpleGather; }
component { type = REFORMAT; className = org.jetel.component.Reformat; }
component { type = DB_INPUT_TABLE; className = org.jetel.component.DBInputTable; }
component { type = SORT; className = org.jetel.component.Sort; }
component { type = DB_OUTPUT_TABLE; className = org.jetel.component.DBOutputTable; }
component { type = FIXLEN_DATA_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.FixLenDataWriter; }
component { type = DEDUP; className = org.jetel.component.Dedup; }
component { type = FIXLEN_DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.FixLenDataReader; }
component { type = MERGE; className = org.jetel.component.Merge; }
component { type = MERGE_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.MergeJoin; }
component { type = EXT_MERGE_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.MergeJoin; }
component { type = SORTED_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.MergeJoin; }
component { type = TRASH; className = org.jetel.component.Trash; }
component { type = DB_EXECUTE; className = org.jetel.component.DBExecute; }
component { type = HASH_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.HashJoin; }
component { type = EXT_HASH_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.HashJoin; }
component { type = CHECK_FOREIGN_KEY; className = org.jetel.component.CheckForeignKey; }
component { type = DBF_DATA_READER; className = org.jetel.component.DBFDataReader; }
component { type = EXT_FILTER; className = org.jetel.component.ExtFilter; }
component { type = EXT_SORT; className = org.jetel.component.ExtSort; }
component { type = PARTITION; className = org.jetel.component.Partition; }
component { type = DATA_INTERSECTION; className = org.jetel.component.DataIntersection; }
component { type = AGGREGATE; className = org.jetel.component.Aggregate; }
component { type = SYS_EXECUTE; className = org.jetel.component.SystemExecute; }
component { type = RUN_GRAPH; className = org.jetel.component.RunGraph; }
component { type = KEY_GEN; className = org.jetel.component.KeyGenerator; }
component { type = APROX_MERGE_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.AproxMergeJoin; }
component { type = DBJOIN; className = org.jetel.component.DBJoin; }
component { type = XLS_READER; className = org.jetel.component.XLSReader; }
component { type = XLS_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.XLSWriter; }
component { type = CLOVER_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.CloverDataWriter; }
component { type = CLOVER_READER; className = org.jetel.component.CloverDataReader; }
component { type = STRUCTURE_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.StructureWriter; }
component { type = NORMALIZER; className = org.jetel.component.Normalizer; }
component { type = DENORMALIZER; className = org.jetel.component.Denormalizer; }
component { type = JMS_READER; className = org.jetel.component.JmsReader; }
component { type = JMS_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.JmsWriter; }
component { type = LOOKUP_JOIN; className = org.jetel.component.LookupJoin; }
component { type = LOOKUP_TABLE_READER_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.LookupTableReaderWriter; }
component { type = DATA_GENERATOR; className = org.jetel.component.DataGenerator; }
component { type = MULTI_LEVEL_READER; className = org.jetel.component.MultiLevelReader; }
component { type = SEQUENCE_CHECKER; className = org.jetel.component.SequenceChecker; }
component { type = TEXT_TABLE_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.TextTableWriter; }
component { type = XML_XPATH_READER; className = org.jetel.component.XmlXPathReader; }
component { type = PACEMAKER; className = org.jetel.component.Pacemaker; }
component { type = SPEED_LIMITER; className = org.jetel.component.SpeedLimiter; }
component { type = JAVA_EXECUTE; className = org.jetel.component.JavaExecute; }
component { type = XML_WRITER; className = org.jetel.component.XmlWriter; }
component { type = XSL_TRANSFORMER; className = org.jetel.component.XSLDataTransformer; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.connection loaded.
id - org.jetel.connection
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
connection { type = JDBC; className = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.DBConnection; }
connection { type = JMS; className = org.jetel.connection.jms.JmsConnection; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.engine loaded.
id - org.jetel.engine
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
dictionaryEntry { type = string; className = org.jetel.graph.dictionary.StringDictionaryEntryProvider; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.jdbc loaded.
id - org.jetel.jdbc
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.DB2Specific; name = DB2; database = DB2; }
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InformixSpecific; name = Informix; database = INFORMIX; }
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.MSSQLSpecific; name = MS SQL; database = MSSQL; }
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.MySQLSpecific; name = MySQL; database = MYSQL; }
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.OracleSpecific; name = Oracle; database = ORACLE; }
jdbcSpecific { class = org.jetel.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.PostgreSpecific; name = PostgreSQL; database = POSTGRE; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = MYSQL; dbDriver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver; urlHint = jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/database; name = MySQL; database = MYSQL; driverLibrary = lib/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = POSTGRE; dbDriver = org.postgresql.Driver; urlHint = jdbc:postgresql://hostname/database; name = PostgreSQL; database = POSTGRE; driverLibrary = lib/postgre/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.lookup loaded.
id - org.jetel.lookup
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
lookup { type = simpleLookup; className = org.jetel.lookup.SimpleLookupTable; }
lookup { type = dbLookup; className = org.jetel.lookup.DBLookupTable; }
lookup { type = rangeLookup; className = org.jetel.lookup.RangeLookupTable; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.sequence loaded.
id - org.jetel.sequence
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
sequence { type = SIMPLE_SEQUENCE; className = org.jetel.sequence.SimpleSequence; }
sequence { type = PRIMITIVE_SEQUENCE; className = org.jetel.sequence.PrimitiveSequence; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.thirdparty loaded.
id - org.jetel.thirdparty
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
component { type = XML_EXTRACT; className = org.jetel.component.XMLExtract; }
component { type = FILTER; className = org.jetel.component.Filter; }
component { type = LDAP_READER; className = com.linagora.component.LdapReader; }
component { type = LDAP_WRITER; className = com.linagora.component.LdapWriter; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin org.jetel.tlfunction loaded.
id - org.jetel.tlfunction
version - 2.5.6
provider-name - null
tlfunction { className = org.jetel.interpreter.extensions.MathLib; function = sqrt,log,log10,exp,round,pow,pi,e,random,abs; libraryName = math; }
tlfunction { className = org.jetel.interpreter.extensions.DateLib; function = today,dateadd,datediff,trunc,trunc_date; libraryName = date; }
tlfunction { className = org.jetel.interpreter.extensions.StringLib; function = concat,uppercase,lowercase,substring,left,right,trim,length,soundex,replace,split,char_at,is_blank,is_ascii,is_number,is_integer,is_long,is_date,remove_diacritic,remove_blank_space,get_alphanumeric_chars,translate,join,index_of,count_char,chop,remove_nonprintable,remove_nonascii,find,cut; libraryName = string; }
tlfunction { className = org.jetel.interpreter.extensions.ConvertLib; function = num2str,date2str,str2date,date2num,str2num,try_convert,base64byte,byte2base64,bits2str,str2bits,hex2byte,byte2hex,num2num,num2bool,bool2num,str2bool,long2date,date2long,to_string; libraryName = convert; }
tlfunction { className = org.jetel.interpreter.extensions.ContainerLib; function = remove_all,push,pop,poll,remove,insert,sort,copy,reverse; libraryName = container; }
DEBUG [main] - Plugin cloveretl.engine.initiate loaded.
id - cloveretl.engine.initiate
version - 1.0
provider-name - null
dictionaryEntry { type = initiate.member; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.dictionary.MemberDictionaryProvider; }
component { type = MEMSEQNO_INCREMENT; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemSeqNoIncrementer; }
component { type = INITIATE_REFORMAT; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.InitiateReformat; }
connection { type = INITIATE; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.InitiateConnection; }
component { type = MEMGET_DATA_READER; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemGetDataReader; }
component { type = MEMPUT_DATA_WRITER; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemPutDataWriter; }
component { type = MEMSEARCH; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemSearch; }
jdbcSpecific { class = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InitiateDefaultSpecific; name = Initiate default; database = INITIATE_DEFAULT; }
jdbcSpecific { class = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InitiateDB2Specific; name = Initiate DB2; database = INITIATE_DB2; }
jdbcSpecific { class = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InitiateInformixSpecific; name = Initiate Informix; database = INITIATE_INFORMIX; }
jdbcSpecific { class = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InitiateOracleSpecific; name = Initiate Oracle; database = INITIATE_ORACLE; }
jdbcSpecific { class = com.initiatesystems.etl.connection.jdbc.specific.impl.InitiateMSSQLSpecific; name = Initiate SQL Server; database = INITIATE_SQLSERVER; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = INITIATE_DB2; dbDriver = com.initiatesystems.db.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver; urlHint = jdbc:initiatesystems:db2://hostname:50000;DatabaseName=database;DynamicSections=1000; name = Initiate DB2; database = INITIATE_DB2; driverLibrary = lib/madjdbc.jar; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = INITIATE_INFORMIX; dbDriver = com.initiatesystems.db.jdbc.informix.InformixDriver; urlHint = jdbc:initiatesystems:informix://hostname:1533;DatabaseName=database;InformixServer=server;InitializationString=(set lock mode to wait); name = Initiate Informix; database = INITIATE_INFORMIX; driverLibrary = lib/madjdbc.jar; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = INITIATE_ORACLE; dbDriver = com.initiatesystems.db.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver; urlHint = jdbc:initiatesystems:oracle://hostname:1521;SID=sid;ServerType=dedicated;WireProtocolMode=2; name = Initiate Oracle; database = INITIATE_ORACLE; driverLibrary = lib/madjdbc.jar; }
jdbcDriver { jdbcSpecific = INITIATE_SQLSERVER; dbDriver = com.initiatesystems.db.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver; urlHint = jdbc:initiatesystems:sqlserver://hostname:1433;DatabaseName=database;SelectMethod=cursor; name = Initiate SQL Server; database = INITIATE_SQLSERVER; driverLibrary = lib/madjdbc.jar; }
component { type = MEMSCORE; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemScore; }
component { type = MEM_DICTIONARY_WRITER; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemDictionaryWriter; }
component { type = MEM_DICTIONARY_READER; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemDictionaryReader; }
component { type = ADDRESS_DOCTOR_TRANSLITERATION; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.AddressDoctorTransliteration; }
component { type = ADDRESS_DOCTOR; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.AddressDoctor; }
component { type = GROUP1; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.Group1; }
component { type = MEMDELETE_DATA_WRITER; className = com.initiatesystems.etl.component.MemDeleteDataWriter; }
INFO [main] - Graph definition file: graphs/agata.grf
INFO [main] - Checking graph configuration...
INFO [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
INFO [main] - Graph initialization (parsing)
INFO [main] - register MBean with name:org.jetel.graph.runtime:type=CLOVERJMX_1290538684513_0
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
DEBUG [WatchDog] - initializing edges:
DEBUG [WatchDog] - all edges initialized successfully...
DEBUG [WatchDog] - initializing nodes:
DEBUG [WatchDog] - Opening input file C:/Documents and Settings/dmelnyk/workspace_ordev_3/ordev/graphs/eid_report.out
DEBUG [WatchDog] - Reading input file C:/Documents and Settings/dmelnyk/workspace_ordev_3/ordev/graphs/eid_report.out
INFO [WatchDog] - (compiling dynamic source)
INFO [WatchDog] - compile Class: Parsing by Janino compiler
ERROR [WatchDog] - Error when creating object of class: Line 19, Column 7: Invalid character input "@" (character code 64)
org.codehaus.janino.Scanner$ScanException: Line 19, Column 7: Invalid character input "@" (character code 64)
at org.codehaus.janino.Scanner.internalRead(Scanner.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Scanner.read(Scanner.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.readOperator(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseClassBodyDeclaration(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseClassBody(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseClassDeclarationRest(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parsePackageMemberTypeDeclaration(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseCompilationUnit(Parser.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.SimpleCompiler.cook(SimpleCompiler.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java)
at org.codehaus.janino.Cookable.cook(Cookable.java)
at org.jetel.util.compile.DynamicJavaCode.instantiateByJanino(DynamicJavaCode.java:187)
at org.jetel.util.compile.DynamicJavaCode.instantiate(DynamicJavaCode.java:169)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.loadClassDynamic(RecordTransformFactory.java:213)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.loadClassDynamic(RecordTransformFactory.java:198)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.createTransform(RecordTransformFactory.java:85)
at org.jetel.component.Reformat.init(Reformat.java:246)
at org.jetel.graph.Phase.init(Phase.java:154)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.executePhase(WatchDog.java:414)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.call(WatchDog.java:177)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.call(WatchDog.java:62)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:269)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:123)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
DEBUG [WatchDog] -
DEBUG [WatchDog] - import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.jetel.component.DataRecordTransform;
import org.jetel.data.DataRecord;
import org.jetel.data.parser.DataParser;
import org.jetel.exception.ComponentNotReadyException;
import org.jetel.exception.TransformException;
public class Parsing extends DataRecordTransform {
DataParser parser = new DataParser("${charset}");
DataRecord tmp;
DataRecord[] tmpArray;
int successField;
int lastDataField;
public boolean init() throws ComponentNotReadyException {
//last field must be auto-filling to inform parser to skip this field
//set eofAsDelimiter to before-last field, as record delimiter was stripped by Reader
targetMetadata[0].getField(targetMetadata[0].getNumFields() - 2).setEofAsDelimiter(true);
tmp = new DataRecord(targetMetadata[0]);
tmpArray = new DataRecord[]{tmp};
successField = targetMetadata[0].getNumFields() - 1;
return super.init();
public int transform(DataRecord[] inputRecords, DataRecord[] outputRecords)
throws TransformException {
boolean success = true;
try {
parser.setDataSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(inputRecords[0].getField(0).toString().getBytes("${charset}")));
tmp = parser.getNext(tmp);
} catch (Exception e) {
success = false;
defaultTransform(tmpArray, outputRecords);
return 0;
public void postExecute() throws ComponentNotReadyException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ERROR [WatchDog] - Phase initialization failed with reason: REFORMAT0 ...FAILED !
Reason: Transformation code is not compilable.
reason: org.codehaus.janino.Scanner$ScanException: Line 19, Column 7: Invalid character input "@" (character code 64)
Reason: Transformation code is not compilable.
reason: org.codehaus.janino.Scanner$ScanException: Line 19, Column 7: Invalid character input "@" (character code 64)
at org.jetel.graph.Phase.init(Phase.java:159)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.executePhase(WatchDog.java:414)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.call(WatchDog.java:177)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.WatchDog.call(WatchDog.java:62)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:269)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:123)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Caused by: Transformation code is not compilable.
reason: org.codehaus.janino.Scanner$ScanException: Line 19, Column 7: Invalid character input "@" (character code 64)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.loadClassDynamic(RecordTransformFactory.java:217)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.loadClassDynamic(RecordTransformFactory.java:198)
at org.jetel.component.RecordTransformFactory.createTransform(RecordTransformFactory.java:85)
at org.jetel.component.Reformat.init(Reformat.java:246)
at org.jetel.graph.Phase.init(Phase.java:154)
... 6 more
ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
INFO [WatchDog] - ----------------------** Final tracking Log for phase [0] **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Time: 23/11/10 14:07:29
INFO [WatchDog] - Node Status Port #Records #KB Rec/s KB/s
INFO [WatchDog] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. Out:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. In:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - Out:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - TRASH0 N/A
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. In:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------------------** End of Log **--------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] successfully finished - elapsed time(sec): 0
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 ERROR 0 3405
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !